毕业设计 - 中间轴齿轮机械加工工艺设计
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  • 毕业设计 - 中间轴齿轮机械加工工艺设计摘 要
    零件的结构千差万别,但基本都是由外圆、内孔、平面、螺纹、齿面、曲面等组合很少有零件是由单一典型表面所组成的,其加工方法也较为复杂,轴齿轮是机械加工中常见的典型零件之一,而此设计是关于中间轴齿轮机械加工工艺的设计,把零件图作为设计导向,综合应用自己所学的机械设计相关专业课程知识,和结合生产实践分析,以及解决工程实际问题,其中包括零件图样分析,材料的分析,材料的选择, 零件的工艺分析,零件的结构工艺分析,技术要求,加工工艺性,毛坯的确定以及生产类型的确定,零件的基准选择,表面加工的选择,加工顺序的安排,热处理的安排,工序的划分,重点工序的说明,工艺设备的选择,工艺路线的分析比较,加工余量的确定,各工序切削用量的选择及工时的计算,毛坯图,零件图的绘制以及数控加工工程序的编写等, 最终完成零件加工的所有需考虑加工工艺设计和计算方面的内容。

    关键词:轴齿轮 加工工艺 装夹  
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    Parts of the structure differ in thousands of ways, but are basically by the outer circle, inner hole, plane, thread, tooth, curved surface and the combination of few parts are made of a single typical surface composition, the processing method is also complex, gear processing machinery is one of some typical parts, and this design is on the intermediate shaft gear machining process design, the parts of the map as a design oriented, comprehensive use of their school mechanical design is relevant and professional knowledge, and combining with production practice analysis, and solving the practical engineering problems, including parts pattern analysis, material analysis, the choice of materials, parts of the process analysis, part of the structure of technology analysis, technology requirements, processing technology, the rough determination and production type determination, parts of the datum selection, the choice of surface processing, processing sequence of the arrangement, heat treatment process arrangement, classification, key process, equipment selection, process analysis, determination of machining allowance, the process of cutting selection and calculation of working hours, rough graph, component drawing and NC processing programming, finished parts Work all need to consider process design and computational aspects.
    Key words: gear processing clamp


    图一 中间轴齿...
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