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  • 发 布 人rongxinglu
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  • 军用外骨骼系统是一种穿戴在单兵身体上的伴随式智能装备系统通过同步“跟随”人体运动,辅助单兵承重助力及负重机动,有效提升单兵的搬移托举能力、承载携行能力和快速机动能力,在后装物资装填搬移保障、物资伴随支援保障、边防巡逻保障等领域具有广泛的军事需求。
    (3)军用柔性下肢外骨骼关键零部件的静力学分析。基于ANSYS Workbench静力学模块,分析了踝关节关键零部件的静变形和静应力,分析应力分布特点,验证机械结构的静强度与刚度。军用外骨骼系统是一种穿戴在单兵身体上的伴随式智能装备系统通过同步“跟随”人体运动,辅助单兵承重助力及负重机动,有效提升单兵的搬移托举能力、承载携行能力和快速机动能力,在后装物资装填搬移保障、物资伴随支援保障、边防巡逻保障等领域具有广泛的军事需求。
    (3)军用柔性下肢外骨骼关键零部件的静力学分析。基于ANSYS Workbench静力学模块,分析了踝关节关键零部件的静变形和静应力,分析应力分布特点,验证机械结构的静强度与刚度。


    Military exoskeleton system (EXO) is a kind of accompanying intelligent equipment system which is worn on individual soldier's body. Through synchronous following human movement, assisting individual soldier's load-bearing assistance and load-bearing mobility, it can effectively enhance individual soldier's carrying capacity and rapid mobility. EXO has a wide range of military needs in the fields of backloading and moving support, material accompanying, border patrols support and so on.
    The development of EXO in China is still in the stage of research and experiment. The technical difficulty lies in the flexibility of exoskeleton to human motion, that is, the flexibility of exoskeleton robot. Therefore, the thesis has completed structure design and optimization of EXO. The main work is summarized as follows:
    Firstly, the analysis of Human Kinematics. In order to optimize the coordination between the EXO and the soldier, the design size of the EXO should be as close as possible to the human body size, and its trajectory should be as close as possible to the normal human motion.
    Secondly, structural design of External Skeleton Joints of Military Flexible Lower Limb exoskeleton robot (FLLX). The design of FLLX includes hip joint, knee joint, ankle joint, joint connection and driving part.
    Thirdly, the statics analysis of the key components of FLLX. ANSYS Workbench statics analysis module is used to analyze the static deformation and stress of key parts of External Skeleton ankle joint. So, stress distributions were obtained and analyzed. The static strength and stiffness of mechanical structure are verified.
    Key words: Exoskeleton; Flexible; Military; Structural design;

    目 录
    第1章 绪论 1
    1.1研究背景及意义 1
    1.2国内外研究现状 1
    1.2.1 外骨骼机器人 1
    1.2.2 驱动方式 6
    1.3本论文的主要内容 7
    第2章 下肢外骨骼机器人总体方案 9
    2.1人体运动学分析 9
    2.1.1人体基本面与轴 9
    2.1.2人体下肢运动学分析 10
    2.2军用柔性下肢外骨骼机器人总体方案 13
    2.2.1 设计原则与要求 13
    2.2.2 尺寸设计及外观设计方案 14
    2.2.3 驱动与传动方案 15
    2.3 本章小结 16
    第3章 下肢外骨骼机器人结构设计 17
    3.1髋关节 17
    3.2膝关节 20
    3.2.1 主动自由度设计 20
    3.2.2 绳驱结构设计 21
    3.3踝关节 21
    3.4 非关节处 24
    3.5 本章小结 26
    第4章 下肢外骨骼机器人结构校核 27
    4.1重要轴、连接件的载荷分布 27
    4.1.1 髋关节处 27
    4.1.2 踝关节处 28
    4.2 轴的校核 29
    4.2.1 轴的强度校核 29
    4.2.2 轴的刚度校核 30
    4.3关键非规则零部件静力学分析 32
    4.4本章小结 34
    第5章 总结与展望 35
    5.1总结 35
    5.2展望 36
    参考文献 37
    致 谢 39

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