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  • 说明书在对国内外车库现状及发展趋势做了充分调研的基础上,以较为典型的升降横移式立体车库为研究对象,选择三层三列式车库结构作为研究模型。综合考虑立体车库制造成本和运行安全的双重因素。



    In the domestic and international current situation and trend of development for garage. Based on sufficient investigation, to choose a more typical of up-down and translation stereo garage as the research object, to choose the three layer three row type garage structure as research model. Considering the three-dimensional garage manufacturing cost and operation safety of the double factors.
    Briefly introduces the main structure and characteristics of the garage, the garage control system are briefly described, based on the up-down and translation stereo garage operation principle, use of mechanical design knowledge are a series of transmission scheme design, including the upgrading of the transmission system design, shifting the transmission system design, also according to the theory of mechanics up-down and translation stereo garage structure mechanical analysis is carried out, including up-down and translation stereo garage frame structure strength, shifting transmission system axial strength and axial strength of lifting transmission system. In order to make parking equipment to meet the use requirements, according to the country about mechanical parking equipment General requirements for safety standards, up-down and translation stereo garage is actual, in the up-down and translation stereo garage to use some safety technique, so as to ensure the absolute safety of the vehicle, the garage can be safe and steady operation.

    Keywords: stereo parking garage; up-down and translation stereo garage; steel structure; safety measures

    目 录
    摘 要 I
    Abstract II
    第1章 绪 论 1
    1.1 课题来源与背景 1
    1.2 机械式立体停车库发展概况 1
    1.3 立体停车库分类及优点 3
    1.4 研究升降横移式立体停车库的意义 6
    1.5 升降横移式车库的工作原理 7
    1.6 升降横移式库机械部分部件结构和功能 8
    第2章 方案总体设计 10
    2.1 方案总体设计 10
    2.2 传动方案的设计 10
    2.3 传动方案的选择 12
    第3章 主框架部分 14
    3.1 钢结构形式的选择 14
    3.2 钢结构部分材料的选择 14
    第4章 升降传动系统设计 16
    4.1 升降电动机的选择 16
    4.2 升降链传动的设计 18
    4.3 升降轴的设计 20
    4.4 联轴器及键的选择 22
    4.5 轴承的选择 23
    4.6 钢丝绳和滑轮的选用 24
    4.7 卷筒的设计 24
    4.8 升降轴的强度校核 25
    第5章 横移传动系统设计 28
    5.1 横移电动机的选择 28
    5.2 横移链传动的设计 29
    5.3 横移传动轴A的设计 32
    5.4 联轴器及键的选择 34
    5.5 轴承的选择与计算 35
    5.6 横移车轮与导轨的选择 36
    第6章 安全防护措施 38
    6.1 防坠落装置设计 38
    6.2 其他防护措施 39
    第7章 车库的控制系统 40
    结 论 42
    致 谢 43
    参考文献 44


    Abstract I
    Chapter 1 Introduction 1
    1.1 Topic origin and background 1
    1.2 Mechanical parking development 1
    1.3 Parking classification and advantages 3
    1.4 Studies of up-down and translation stereo garage meaning 6
    1.5 Lifting cross-sliding type garage principle of work 7
    1.6 Lifting cross-sliding type garage mechanical parts structure and function 8
    Chapter 2 The whole scheme design 10
    2.1 The general design of the schemes 10
    2.2 Transmission scheme design 10
    2.3 The choice of transmission 12
    Chapter 3 Steel structure material selection 14
    3.1 Steel structure form selection 14
    3.2 Steel structure material selection 14
    Chapter 4 Lifting transmission system design 16
    4.1 Lifting motor selection 16
    4.2 Lifting chain transmission design 18
    4.3 Lift shaft design 20
    4.4 Coupling and key selection 22
    4.5 Bearing selection 23
    4.6 Wire rope and pulley selection 24
    4.7 Reel design 24
    4.8 Lift shaft strength analysis 25
    Chapter 5 Transverse transmission system design 28
    5.1 Traverse motor selection 28
    5.2 Traverse chain transmission design 29
    5.3 Transverse shaft A design 32
    5.4 Coupling and key selection 34
    5.5 Bearing selection and calculation 35
    5.6 Traverse wheel and track selection 36
    Chapter 6 Security protection measures 38
    6.1 Anti-dropping device design 38
    6.2 Other protective measures 39
    Chapter 7 Control system 40
    Conclusions 42
    Thanks 43
    Reference 44

    第1章 绪 论
    1.1 课题来源与背景
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