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  • 更新时间:2019-05-30
  • 发 布 人rongxinglu
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  • 塑料作为人们在工业生产和日常生活中经常使用的一种材料,具有质量轻密度小、化学性质稳定、耐冲击等优点。塑料是重要的有机合成高分子材料,其成型方法众多,注射成型是塑料成型方法中比较成熟且应用最为广泛的一种,主要用于热塑性塑料的成型。本课题以机顶盒遥控器底板为设计模型,结合注射成型的相关知识,力求设计出一套经济适用的注射成型模具。本课题通过Pro/E建立塑料制件的模型进行成型工艺的分析,并在此基础上设计出模具型腔,再根据模流分析结果选用合适的注射机机型,使用EMX8.0插件导入标准模架,进而添加注射模的各个成型零部件,最终完成整套注射成型模具的设计。设计完成后需要根据加工工艺和装配工艺要求确定各个零部件结构、尺寸以及精度,运用Pro/E软件建立模具整体和主要零部件的三维图,生成二维图,完成工程图的绘制。



    Plastics, as a kind of material often used in industrial production and daily life, have the advantages of light weight, low density, stable chemical properties and shock resistance. Plastics are important organic synthetic polymer materials. There are many forming methods. Injection moulding is one of the most mature and widely used plastic moulding methods, it is mainly used in thermoplastic moulding. This topic takes the STB Remote Control Baseboard as the design model, and combines the knowledge of injection molding, strives to design a set of economical and applicable injection moulds. Based on Pro/E, the paper establishes the model of plastic parts and analyses the forming process, designs the mould cavity, chooses the suitable injection machine according to the result of the analysis of the mould flow, uses EMX8.0 plug-in to import the standard mould frame, and then adds the various parts of the injection mould, and finally completes the design of the whole set of injection mould. After the design is completed, the structure, dimension and precision of each part should be determined according to the requirements of processing technology and assembly technology. Pro/E software is used to establish the three-dimensional drawings of the whole die and the main parts, generate two-dimensional drawings, and complete the drawing of Engineering drawings.
    The use of Pro/E in die design greatly improves work efficiency and shortens design cycle. The direct selection of standard parts in design is conducive to the standardization and generalization of die. Pro/E design method is easy to store design information and share network. It is easy to realize automatic control of production and integration with other CAD/CAM technologies. It is becoming the mainstream method of die design.

    Key words: STB Remote Control Baseboard; injection mould; Pro/E; engineering drawing

    第1章 绪论 1
    1.1 概述 1
    1.2 国内外关于塑料模具技术的研究现状及发展趋势 1
    1.2.1 模具工业与塑料模具技术的发展现状 1
    1.2.2 未来塑料模具技术的发展趋势 2
    1.3 基于Pro/E的注射模具设计与制造流程 4
    第2章 塑料制件建模与工艺分析 6
    2.1 塑料制件的结构设计与三维建模 6
    2.2 塑料制件材料的选择 7
    2.2.1 ABS材料的成型参数 7
    2.2.2 ABS材料的性能与特点 7
    2.3 机顶盒遥控器底板的模流分析 8
    2.3.1 分析前准备工作 8
    2.3.2塑料填充分析 8
    2.3.3 冷却质量分析 14
    2.3.4 表面缩痕分析 15
    2.3.5 生成模流分析报告 16
    第3章 机顶盒遥控器底板注射模具设计 17
    3.1 注射机选用与校核 17
    3.1.1 选型所需参数的计算 17
    3.1.2 注射机型号的初步确定 17
    3.1.3 型腔数量与注射机主要技术参数校核 18
    3.2 分型面的选择与浇注系统的设计 20
    3.2.1 分型面形式与位置的确定 20
    3.2.2 浇注系统的设计 23
    3.3成型零部件设计 26
    3.3.1 凸模和凹模结构设计 27
    3.3.2 侧向分型与抽芯机构设计 28
    3.4 标准模架的调用 29
    3.5 合模导向机构的设计 30
    3.6 推出机构设计 31
    3.6.1 推杆的结构与布置 31
    3.6.2 复位装置的选取 32
    3.7 温度调节系统设计 32
    3.7.1 加热系统设计 32
    3.7.2 模具冷却系统设计 32
    第4章 工程图的绘制 34
    4.1 绘制模具装配图 34
    4.2 绘制模具主要零件的零件图 35
    第5章 模具工作流程及塑料制件缺陷分析 36
    5.1模具工作流程 36
    5.2 塑料制件常见缺陷及改善方法 36

    总结 40
    参考文献 41
    致谢 43
    附录 4...
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