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  • 花生冷榨工艺设计设计说明书要:冷榨制油是指油料在入榨前不经蒸炒等高温处理,入榨温度为常温或略高于常温及压榨过程料温较低的榨油方法。应用花生直接冷榨制油技术,减少了精炼污水的排放有利于保护环境,同时,制得的花生油除具有普通制油工艺的一般特征外,更在于提高了油脂品质,避免了高温加工油脂产生反式脂肪酸、油脂聚合体等有害物质,保留了油中的活性物质,同样冷榨饼的营养价值也有很大提高,蛋白质变性少更多活性物质得以保存,提高了饼的开发价值。介绍了花生直接冷榨的工艺、各个过程的操作方法及注意事项,对花生冷榨直接制油工艺进行了设计,并进行了物料衡算和热量衡算;对花生冷榨制油所需要的设备进行了选择并核算了所需台数;用CAD绘制了制油的工艺流程图以及车间布置图,完成对花生冷榨制油的工艺设计。
    Abstract: Cold pressing for plant oil is a press way that oilseeds don’t need to be heated such as steam cooking, the pressing temperature is normal or a bit higher than that, and the material temperature is lower during the process of pressing. By the technology of cold pressing for peanut oil directly, the discharge of wastewater produced by refining could be reduced and it would be helpful to the protection of environment. Meanwhile, the peanut oil produce dose not just maintain the characteristic of normal way of producing, but also retain active components without harmful materials such as trans-fatty acid and oil polymer produced when the oil was dealed with under high temperature. So the quality of cold pressing oil and the developing venue of cold pressing cake were higher. The technology, each part of operating method and advertent problems of direct cold press of peanut were introduced; the technology was designed and the material balance and heat balance were made; the equipments for cold pressing of peanuts were chosen and the number needed is decided; the process flow diagram and department arrangement diagram were drawn by CAD.
    Key words: peanut; cold pressing; cold pressing oil; cold pressing cake.

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