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  • 热处理车间的设计1热处理是机械工业的一项重要基础技术,通常像轴、轴承、齿轮、连杆等重要的机械零件和工模具都是要经过热处理的。热处理对于充分发挥金属材料的性能潜力,提高产品的内在质量,节约材料,减少能耗,延长产品的使用寿命,提高经济效益都具有十分重要的意义。正所谓“工欲善其事,必先利其器”,那么也就必须给热处理一个良好的环境及先进设备,总的来说就是一个设计得当的热处理车间。
    关键词: 热处理车间; 热处理设备; 热处理工艺; 设计

    Heat treatment is an important foundation for mechanical industrial technology, as is usually shaft, bearings, gears, mechanical linkage, and other important parts and molds were required to take the heat treatment. Heat Treatment for giving full play to the performance potential of metallic materials, the intrinsic quality of their products, material savings, and reduce power consumption, extend product life, and improving economic efficiency are of great significance. Is the so-called "Perfect tools are necessary for perfect jobs," then it must be a good the environment and advanced equipment for heat treatment, the whole is designing a proper heat treatment workshop.
    Papers are the main contents of the heat treatment plant design process. From the classification and characteristics of heat treatment workshop, heat treatment workshop production tasks, the system of work and the base year, process design, equipment selection and heat treatment, the organization and layout of workshop equipment, heat
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