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  • 遥控器简单后盖注塑模具设计说明书摘 要



    The topic of this design is the injection mold design of the shell plastic parts. Through the computer software, the plastic parts of the shell plastic parts are modeled, and the original structure analysis of the plastic parts needs to be completed. Through the analysis and understanding, we can know that the internal structure and shape of the plastic parts are relatively simple, the overall shell shaped parts, and the average wall thickness distribution is relatively reasonable. After taking the first mock exam of the mold size and production efficiency into consideration, the design of this mold is to adopt a two cavity cavity with a mold and two plate die feeding method. It is necessary to analyze the material selection and molding process of plastic parts and determine the injection molding machine, so this mold design selects a more suitable injection molding machine, and checks and calculates several important parameters of the injection molding machine. The parting surface of the plastic part is selected and designed. After a variety of data comparison and analysis, so as to integrate various factors to choose the most reasonable scheme.

    Key words: shell; injection molding; plastic parts process analysis; plastic mold.

    目 录

    摘 要 2
    Abstract 3
    1.1 塑料简述 1
    1.2 注塑模成型工艺 1
    第二章 塑件的结构分析 2
    2.1塑件二维图 2
    2.2塑件结构工艺性分析 2
    2.3塑件材料的成型工艺分析 3
    2.4塑件质量与体积分析 3
    第三章 注射机选型与校核 4
    3.1 注塑机的注射量计算 4
    3.1.1注塑时所需要的体积计算 4
    3.2 注塑机选择 4
    第四章 浇注系统的设计 6
    4.1 分型面选择与设计 6
    4.2型腔数目的确定 6
    4.3主流道的设计 7
    4.4 模具分流道的设计 8
    4.5 模具浇口设计 8
    4.6模具冷料穴设计 9
    4.7模具排气方式设计 10
    第五章 模具调温系统的设计 11
    5.1温度调节系统的设计要点 11
    5.2冷却系统的设计 11
    5.3 冷却时间的确定 12
    第六章 成型零部件设计 13
    6.1模具型芯尺寸的计算结果 15
    6.2 模具型腔尺寸的计算结果 16
    第7章 注塑模具机构设计与校核 18
    7.1脱模机构的设计 18
    7.2 合模导向机构的设计 19
    7.3型腔数量校核 20
    7.4 锁模力的校核 20
    7.5注射压力的校核 21
    7.6 最大注射量校核 21
    7.7 注塑机的开模行的校核 21
    7.8 模架的选择 22
    7.9模具二维装配图 23
    参考文献 25
    致 谢 26

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