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  • 冷轧窄带钢卷取机冷轧窄带钢卷取机
    摘 要

    关键词 卷取机;设计;校核;施工方案;安装;预算

    Cold Rolling Tension coiler
    Cold Rolling Tension coiler is the important assistant equipment in cold rolling workshop.The working state of the coiler directly influences the product quality of strip steel. It is widely used in pickling,annealing and galvanization process line.With the cooperation of other equipment in the delivery of line,it will rewind product strip into coil.
    In recent years,with increasing surface quality by users require on strip and increasingly fierce market competition,coiling technology was gradual attention by the domestic and international researcher. This paper first describe the type of cold-rolled coiler,technological features,development,summary the coiler structure and working principles;Secondly,A major part of the reel of the design,choice and check,mainly including:choice,the choice of gear reducer motor capacity;On the transmission system design,mainly including:the design of the drum shaft and check,the choice of bearing and life ;Arrangements for the overall construction of coiler,describes the main component of the methods and steps of the installation ,commissioning,installation,commissing,installation engineering budget of coiler was calculated.

    Keywords Coiler;design;check; The overall construction; The installation; budget

    目 录
    1.绪论 1
    1.1选题的背景和目的 1
    1.1.1卷取机简介 1
    1.1.2卷取机作用 1
    1.1.3卷取机背景 2
    1.1.4研究卷取机目的 2
    1.2冷轧窄带钢卷取机国内外发展状况 3
    1.2.1卷取机研究的发展 3
    1.2.2冷轧卷取机研究的现状 5
    1.3课题的研究方法和内容 6
    1.3.1课题研究的内容 6
    2.冷轧窄带钢卷取机方案的选择与评述 8
    2.1卷取机传动的方案及方案分析 8
    2.2主要零部件的选择 9
    3.电动机的选择 11
    3.1带钢张力的计算及最大张力的确定 11
    3.2卷取机主要结构尺寸的选择 12
    3.2.1卷筒直径的确定 12
    3.2.2卷筒筒身长度的确定 12
    3.3初选电动机容量 13
    3.4电动机轴上的力矩计算 15
    3.5电动机的校核 16
    4.卷取减速机的选择 18
    4.1选取减速器 18
    5.主要零部件的强度计算 19
    5.1卷筒轴的设计与计算 19
    5.1.1轴的材料 19
    5.1.2卷筒轴转矩的计算 19
    5.1.3卷筒轴的设计 20
    5.1.4轴的计算 22
    5.2 卷筒轴轴承的计算 32
    5.3 凸轮机构的设计 33
    6.卷取机安装施工方案 35
    6.1施工流程图 35
    6.2安装方案的确定 36
    6.3操作要点 36
    6.3.1基础验收检测基准测设 36
    6.3.2垫板安装 37
    6.3.3卷取机滑道安装、找正 37
    6.3.4卷取机安装、找正 38
    6.3.5传动底座找正 38
    6.3.6卷筒主体找正 39
    7.安装施工概预算分析 40
    7.1 机械设备安装消耗量定额包括的主要内容 40
    7.2 安装消耗量定额应用的条件 40
    7.3 有关费用的规定 40
    7.4冷轧窄带钢卷取机安装预算 41
    7.4.1 安装工程的分部分项工程量清单综合单价的计算 41
    7.4.2 安装工程造价计算 44
    8.安装调试与验收 46
    8.1底座 46
    8.2 机架 47
    8.3传动装置 49
    8.5试车 50
    9.结论 52
    10.致谢 53
    参考文献 54

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