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  • FM1900三辊压光机设计
  • FM1900三辊压光机设计 塑料成型机械制造业是一个新兴工业,随着世界塑料工业的迅速发展,塑料成型机械的制造已成为现代工业中的一个重要行业。近年来,塑料制品的应用领域不断扩展,塑料加工设备已渗透到国民经济的各个行业,成为我国机械工业的重要组成部分,在国民经济中起着越来越重要的作用。压光机作为塑料成型机械中的重要一员,主要用于制品修饰,其设计方案的优劣直接关系到制品的表面质量和使用性能。



    The plastic molding processing manufacturing industry is an emerging industry. With the rapid development of the plastic industry, plastic molding machinery manufacturing has become an important industry in modern industry . In recent years, the application fields of the plastic products have continuously expanded . And plastic processing equipment has penetrated into every industry of the national economy and become the important component of mechanical industry in the national economy, and plays a more and more important role.Press polishing machine which plays as an important member in plastic molding machinerys, is used mainly for decorating the products,The rationality of the design scheme is directly related to the product's surface quality and performance.
    This design is the subject which the Wuhan Plastic Machinery Factory have developed product.This factory is engaged in designs and manufactures the plastic machinery for many years,and has rich experience on it .I has complete this topic in the factory , so many parameters are selected according to the design experience of this factory .
    In the first chapter introduces the purpose , composition , characteristics and development trend of the press polishing machine , mainly;The second chapter mainly introduces the calendering system, rollers, frame, bearings and adjustment of the press polishing machine;The third chapter mainly talks about the compensating of the press polishing machine and the latest technology which is used to measures and control the deflection;The fourth chapter introduces the core theory of designing press polishing machine, including the working mechanism, the main factors which affect its effect, and the conditions of normal working ; The fifth chapter introduces the design working parts of the machines, including the heating system and the power system of rolls , the size of every parts of the rollers ; The design of other parts can complete based on rollers size and experience of the Wuhan Plastic Machinery Factory .


    目 录
    摘 要 I
    Abstract II
    目 录 III
    第一章 文献综述 1
    1.1 压光机的基本概念 1
    1.1.1压光机的用途 1
    1.1.2压光机的分类 1
    1.1.3压光机的组成 2
    1.2各种压光机的特点 3
    1.3压光机的发展 4
    第二章 压光机的结构 5
    2.1压光机的压延系统 5
    2.1.1辊筒 5
    2.1.2辊筒的结构 7
    2.1.3机架体 9
    2.1.4辊筒轴承 10
    2.1.5滚筒间距的调整装置 11
    第三章 辊筒挠度的补偿措施及可控挠度技术 12
    3.1常用的辊筒补偿措施 13
    3.1.1中高度补偿法 13
    3.1.2辊面相对挠度的计算 14
    3.1.3压光辊抗弯刚度EI 和E′I′的确定 15
    3.1.4中高量的确定 16
    3.1.5计算结果的探讨 16
    3.1.6 结 论 18
    3.1.7缺点分析 18
    3.2 轴交叉补偿法 19
    3.3 预负荷力补偿法 21
    3.3可控挠度技术 22
    3.3.1可控挠度技术简介 22
    3.3.2分区控制热风装置 23
    3.3.3 浮动辊的工作原理 23
    3.3.4结构 23
    3.3.5工作原理 23
    3.3.6工作保护 24
    3.3.7油位保护 24
    3.3.8油温控制 25
    3.3.9 浮动辊的液压控制 26
    3.3.10浮动辊挠度的比例控制 26
    第四章 压光机设计的核心理论 28
    4.1压光机整饰机理 28
    4.2影响压光效果的重要因素 28
    4.3压光机正常工作的条件 29
    4.4压光机设计的核心理论 29
    4.4.1保证压光机工作时,辊间间隙满足要求 29
    4.4.2防止辊面直接接触 30
    4.4.3保证同一辊面温度一致 30
    4.4.4保证相邻辊速度一致 31
    第五章 设计过程 32
    5.1压光机辊筒的加热系统 32
    5.1.1辊筒的蒸汽加热 32
    5.1.2辊筒的过热水循环加热 32
    5.2压光机动力系统的设计 34
    5.2.1多台直流电动机独立传动 34
    5.2.2计算 34
    5.3压力辊的设计及各部分尺寸确定 35
    致 谢 39
    参考文献 40

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