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  • 切削液刺激性源分析INTRODUCTION
    Water-miscible metalworking fluids (MWFs) are
    complex chemical mixtures consisting of petroleum
    oil, vegetable oil or a synthetic lubricating compo-
    nent and various auxiliary substances such as emulsi-
    fiers, corrosion inhibitors, extreme pressure agents,
    antioxidants and preservatives (NIOSH, 1998). Flu-
    ids are mixed with water to form 2–10% emulsions,
    which are used for cooling and lubricating the
    metalworking process as well as for removing metal
    chippings formed in machining. The chemical and
    physical nature of the MWF emulsions as well as
    their environmental contaminants, such as leaking
    machine oils and bacteria, make the chemistry of
    the fluids even more complex, as these factors enable
    the fluid composition to change over time.
    Ingredients of MWF are well-known causes of der-
    matitis in machinists (Geieret al., 2004; Suuronen
    etal., 2007a). Epidemiological and clinical studies sug-
    gest that both chemical ingredients and microbiologi-
    cal contaminants in MWF may also cause various
    respiratory symptoms and diseases (Gordon, 2004).
    The reported respiratory health effects have been e.g.
    irritation of upper respiratory tract and eyes (Rosenman
    *Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
    Tel:þ358-30-474-2576; fax:þ358-9-5875-449;
    e-mail: katri.suuronen@ttl.fi...
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