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  • 发 布 人weihuan556
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  • 目 录
    摘 要 III
    1 前 言 1
    1.1 具在加工工业中的地位 2
    1.2模具的发展趋势 2
    1.3我国塑料模具行业的主要问题 3
    1.4 我国模具行业的现状 3
    2 塑料的工艺性设计 5
    2.1 注塑模工艺 5
    2.2 化学和物理特性 5
    2.3塑件的尺寸与公差 6
    3 塑件的结构分析 6
    3.1 塑件来源介绍 6
    3.2 塑件的结构分析 7
    4 型腔布局及模架选定 8
    4.1 型腔布局与分型面设计 10
    4.1.1 型腔数目的确定 10
    4.1.2 型腔的布局 11
    4.1.3 分型面的设计 11
    5 运用Moldfiow进行分析 12
    6 浇注系统设计 13
    6.1 主流道设计 13
    6.2 主流道衬套的固定 13
    6.3 分流道的设计 13
    6.4 浇口的设计 15
    6.5 冷料穴的设计 16
    6.6 模具加热和冷却系统的设计 17
    7 成型零件的设计 19
    7.1成型零件的结构设计 19
    7.2 成型零件工作尺寸计算 19
    7.3 合模导向机构的设计 20
    7.4 注塑模具的安装和试模 25
    结 束 语 29
    致 谢 30
    参考文献 31

    Injection moulding is one of the most important polymer processing operations in industry today. It is superior for mass production of complex parts to high precision at low cost. For a long time, experience, intuition and trial and error have been key factors in mould designing, mould manufacturing and molding operation.
    Mould design of this design is the toy of a fork, toy is very common in our daily lives, was the children's favorite, in order to meet the needs of the market, constant innovation and reform in order to create new products and, more importantly, is to get customers 'satisfaction, my current design is due to the current market demand.
    In this design, through the study of injection mold, I to have a preliminary understanding, also notes that some details in the design, understand mold structure and working principle of learning through PRO/E, you can build a simple part of parts library, and helps to improve ...
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