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  • 毕业设计-CA6163普通车床数控化改造摘要

    The modern Computer Numerical Control (CNC)machine is the foundation of the modern manufactory. The remaking of old machine for CNC is an efficient means to promote the progress of the manufactory, which is adapted to the circumstance for our country. Its range is wide, its cost is low and its period is short. Therefore, it is very important to study a remarking the lathe machine by using CNC system.
    This paper introduces the history and the development of CNC system. Based on its theory, through the analysis about the components of the old machine, presents the remaking transmission system to raise the precision of the lathe。Presents the remaking schemes of the CNC system. According to the old machine, the detail design and adjustment of the electric system have been completed, including the design of hardware and control software:Have introduced the one-chip computer system briefly, and has designed the electric control circuit of the numerical control lathe with the one-chip computer;And also redesign the control logic of the machine, through analyzing of the servo system, the main parameters of the machine have been confirmed and optimized also.
    Have discussed two kinds interpolation numerical control lathes with thematic part, and design the interpolation forms for the numerical control lathe.
    The remarked machine will show its powerful ability and high reliability, it conforms to the technical regulation and the accuracy standard of the machine.,and will process the qualified part, it has improved the performance of the lathe greatly, it’s a beneficial try.
    Keywords:CA6163;lathe ; Remake ; CNC system ; One-chip computer.

    第一章 绪论 1
    1.1数控机床的历史和现状 1
    1.2数控机床的发展趋势和研究方向 2
    1.2.1高速度、高精度化 2
    1.2.2多功能化 3
    1.2.3智能化 4
    1.2.4数控系统小型化 5
    1.2.5数控编程自动化 5
    1.2.6更高的可靠性 5
    1.3床数控化改造的必要性 6
    第二章 机床改造的任务及总体思想 8
    2.1机床改造的总体任务 8
    2.2运动系统方案确定 8
    2.2.1伺服系统的选择 8
    2.2.2传动方式的选择 8
    2.3数控系统软硬件总体设计 9
    2.4数控系统硬件结构 9
    2.5数控系统软件结构 10
    第三章 进给伺服系统传动计算 11
    3.1确定系统脉冲当量 11
    3.2切削力的确定 11
    3.3计算进给牵引力 12
    3.4计算最大动负载C 12
    3.5传动效率计算 13
    3.6刚度计算 14
    3.7进给伺服系统传动计算 14
    3.7.1确定传动比 14
    3.7.2齿轮参数的计算 14
    3.8步进电机的计算和选用 15
    3.8.1转动惯量的计算 15
    3.8.2电机力矩的计算 16
    3.9步进电机的选择 19
    结论 20
    参考文献: 21
    致谢 22
    附录:外文翻译 23
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