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  • 油压泵盖机械加工工艺及夹具设计
  • 油压泵盖机械加工工艺及夹具设计摘 要


    关键词 :工艺;夹具设计


    Pump is a kind of important parts, is widely used, such as gasoline pump, hydraulic pump, submersible pump, diaphragm pump and other products, its role in mechanical industry can't be replaced by random, this topic is optional pump cover mechanical processing technology and fixture design, because the pump cover are closely related and pump parts, in the design process, from a large number of relevant books comprehensive compare and choose the best design solution. Hydraulic pump cover is one of the important parts in the machinery industry there is no denying the fact that adopts the traditional process, such as drilling, expanding, and milling, etc., not only low efficiency and poor stability, not easy to ensure accuracy, constrains the development of production, should be used for mass production parts modular machine tool for processing, not only efficient but also the productivity is high, is the best development direction of mechanical processing. Designed by the topic of a given topic, what measures should be taken to solve the pump cover processing design, fixture design and the main problems existing in the process of. Such as blank making form of concrete, the selection of the datum, the process and blank size, the determination of process route, cutting parameter determination. In the process of special fixture design, there are many noticeable problems in design of fixture is accurate and reasonable guarantee the important conditions of qualified parts, fixture design in the operating instructions is also very important. This design can be completed mainly thanks to my teacher and classmates support and help, to express our heartfelt thanks to them.
    Key words: process; Fixture design.

    目 录

    前言 4
    一. 零件的分析 5
    1、零件的作用 5
    2、零件的工艺分析 6
    二、零件工艺规程设计 7
    1. 确定毛坯的制造形式 7
    2. 基准面的选择 7
    3. 制定工艺路线 8
    4. 机械加工余量、工序尺寸及毛坯尺寸的确定 10
    5. 确定切削用量 11
    6. 小结 21
    三 专用夹具设计 22
    1. 问题的提出 22
    2. 粗、精铣零件上平面夹具设计 22
    3. 定位基准的选择 22
    4. 铣削力与夹紧力计算 22
    5. 夹具设计及操作的简要说明 25
    6. 钻3-φ11孔夹具设计 26
    6.1 定位基准的选择 26
    6.2定位元件的设计 26
    6.3定位误差分析 26
    6.4钻削力与夹紧力的计算 27
    6.5衬套、钻模板及夹具体设计 27
    6.6夹紧装置的设计 28
    6.7夹具设计及操作的简要说明 28
    7. 小结 30
    参考文献 31
    致谢 32

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