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ok1 拖拉机水冷系统
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  • ok1 拖拉机水冷系统
  • ok1 拖拉机水冷系统摘 要
    最初拖拉机是手动的,从发明到2013年已经有一百三十多年了,期间经历了由蒸汽驱动斗回转拖拉机到电力驱动和内燃机驱动回转拖拉机、应用机电液一体化技术的全自动液压拖拉机的逐步发展过程。第一台液压拖拉机由法国波克兰工厂发明成功。由于液压技术的应用,20世纪40年代有了在拖拉机上配装液压反铲地悬挂式拖拉机。1951 年,第一台全液压反铲拖拉机由位于法国的 Poclain( 波克兰 ) 工厂推出,从而在拖拉机的技术发展领域开创了全新空间,20世纪50年代初期和中期相继研制出拖式全回转液压拖拉机和履带式全液压拖拉机。初期试制的液压拖拉机是采用飞机和机床的液压技术,缺少适用于拖拉机各种工况的液压元件,制造质量不够稳定,配套件也不齐全。从20世纪60年代起,液压拖拉机进入推广和蓬勃发展阶段,各国拖拉机制造厂和品种增加很快,产量猛增。1968-1970年间,液压拖拉机产量已占拖拉机总产量的83%,已接近100%。
    关键词:拖拉机 液压 支架 有限元分析

    The first excavator is manual, from the invention in 2013 has been one hundred and thirty years, experienced a gradual development of the automatic hydraulic excavator rotary bucket excavator driven by steam to electric drive and internal combustion engine driven rotary excavator, application of mechatronics technology during the. The first hydraulic excavator factory in France invented successfully by poclain. The application of hydraulic technology, in twentieth Century 40 has been installed in the tractor equipped with hydraulic backhoe hanging type excavator. In 1951, the first full hydraulic backhoe excavator located by the French Poclain (POCLAIN) factory launched, thus creating a new space in the field of technology development of excavator, twentieth Century 50 in the early and metaphase develops towed all rotary hydraulic excavators and crawler hydraulic excavator. The early trial of hydraulic excavator hydraulic technology is used aircraft and machine tools, the lack of suitable excavator hydraulic components in various working conditions, the manufacturing quality is not stable enough, the pieces do not fully support. From twentieth Century since 60, hydraulic excavator into spreading and flourishing development stage, excavators manufacturing plant and breed increases quickly, production soared. During the period of 1968-1970 hydraulic excavator, excavator production accounted for 83% of total output, has close to 100%.
    The first generation of excavator: the emergence of motor, internal combustion engine, the excavator is an electric device of advanced and suitable, so all kinds of excavator product birth. In 1899, the first electric excavator appeared. After the first World War, the diesel engine is also used in excavator, this kind of diesel engine (or motor) excavator driver is the first generation of excavator.
    The second generation of excavator: with the widespread use of hydraulic technology, make the excavator with more scientific and suitable gearing, hydraulic transmission instead of mechanical transmission is a big leap in technology of excavator. The first hydraulic excavator was born in Germany in 1950. Mechanical transmission is the second generation of hydraulic excavator.
    The third generation of excavator: electronic technology especially the wide application of computer technology, the automatic control system of excavator has, also make the excavator to the development of high performance, automation and intelligent direction. Germination of electromechanical integration occurs around 1965, and in the mass production of hydraulic excavator on adopting the technology of Mechatronics in around 1985, when the main purpose is to save energy. Excavator electronic is a symbol of the third generation of excavator.
    Keywords: Hydraulic pressure finite element analysis

    目 录
    摘 要 1
    目 录 3
    第一章 绪论 4
    1.2 拖拉机平台特点 5
    1.3拖拉机水冷系统主要部件介绍 6
    第二章 支架设计 9
    2.1支架的作用 9
    2.2支架的结构设计 10
    2.3支架力学分析 10
    第三章 液压传动的工作原理和组成 11
    3.1工作原理 11
    3.2水冷系统的基本组成 12
    3.3研究的内容 12
    第四章 水冷系统功能原理的设计 12
    4.1 明确技术要求 12
    4.2 执行元件的配置确定及动作顺序 12
    4.3 确定水冷系统主要参数 13
    4.3.1 计算和确定水泵的主要结构尺寸 13
    4.3.2 计算水泵所需流量 14
    4.4水冷系统图的拟定 14
    4.4.1制定液压回路方案 14
    4.4.2原理草图的绘制 15
    4.5 元件的选型与设计 16
    4.5.1 水泵的选择 16
    4.5.2液压控制阀的选择 17
    4.5.3液压辅助元件及工作介质的选择 18
    4.6 前景展望 19
    第五章 零部件应力分析 20
    5.1 设计中的不足之处 20
    5.2 使用水冷系统要注意的问题 20
    参考文献 21
    设计总结 22

    第一章 绪论
    1.1 拖拉机平台功能及其意义
    最初拖拉机是手动的,从发明到2013年已经有一百三十多年了,期间经历了由蒸汽驱动斗回转拖拉机到电力驱动和内燃机驱动回转拖拉机、应用机电液一体化技术的全自动液压拖拉机的逐步发展过程。第一台液压拖拉机由法国波克兰工厂发明成功。由于液压技术的应用,20世纪40年代有了在拖拉机上配装液压反铲地悬挂式拖拉机。1951 年,第一台全液压反铲拖拉机由位于法国的 Poclain( 波克兰 ) 工厂推出,从而在拖拉机的技术发展领域开创了全新空间,20世纪50年代初期和中期相继研制出拖式全回转液压拖拉机和履带式全液压拖拉机。初期试制的液压拖拉机是采用飞机和机床的液压技术,缺少适用于拖拉机各种工况的液压元件,制造质量不够稳定,配套件也不齐全。从20世纪60年代起,液压拖拉机进入推广和蓬勃发展阶段,各国拖拉机制造厂和品种增加很快,产量猛增。1968-1970年间,液压拖拉机产量已占拖拉机总产量的83%,已接近100%。
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