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  • 钢筋切断机
  •    摘 要:钢筋切断机是钢筋加工必不可少的设备之一,它主要用语房屋建筑、桥梁、隧道、电站、大型水利等工程中对钢筋的定长切断。本设计为建筑上的卧式钢筋切断机,工作原理是:采用电动机经一级三角带传动和二级齿轮传动减速后,带动曲轴旋转,曲轴推动连杆使滑块和动刀片在机座的滑道中作往复直线运动,使活动刀片和固定刀片相错而切断钢筋。
    The Design of Horizontal Reinforcing Steel Cutting Machine
    Author:Kuang Yunxiang
    Tutor:Xiang Yang
    (Oriental Science &Technology College of Hunan Agricultural University, Changsha 410128,china)

       Abstract:The steel cutting machine is one of the indispensable equipment for steel processing, it is the main term housing construction, bridges, tunnels, power plants, large-scale water conservancy project on the steel fixed-length cut off. The design for the building on a horizontal steel bar cutting machine, how it works: using the deceleration of the motor through a V-belt drive and two-gear drive, driven by the crankshaft rotation, crankshaft push rod so that the slider and moving blades in the base slide for reciprocating linear movement, with the wrong cut reinforced the activities blades and fixed blades.
       Keywords:Cut, construction, steel, gears...
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