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  • 升降横移式立体车库与升降机构设计-大学生本科学位论文立体车库是专门实现各种车辆自动停放及科学寄存的仓储设施。随着城市汽车保有量的不断增加,停车难的问题已经成为大中型城市的一个普遍现象。机械式立体车库可以充分利用上土地资源,发挥空间优势,最大限度地停放车辆,成为解决城市静态交通问题的重要途径。本设计以较为典型的升降横移式立体车库为研究对象,综合考虑立体车库制造成本和运行效率的双重因素。


    Stereo garage is a specifically warehouse implementation for various vehicle of the automatic parking and scientific storage. .With the increasing of urban car ownership, parking problem has become a common phenomenon in large and medium-sized cities. Mechanical stereo garage can make full use of land resources, making full use of the advantages of space and maximize to park vehicles. It becomes the important way to solve the problem of urban static traffic problem. This design regard the up-down and translation stereo as the research object, considering the double factors of the stereo garage: manufacturing cost and operation efficiency.
    This paper not only makes a full investigation on the development trend in the garage at home and abroad, but also combines with the present domestic most cities demand for stereo garage; choose three layer three column type garage structures as the research content. Lifting and moving type stereo garage in terms of their component parts can be divided into three parts: the garage structural parts, transmission parts and control system. This paper mainly regard the structure of the garage and lifting transmission part design as the research object. Basing on the operation principle of up-down and translation stereo garage, it use the mechanics theory to make a comprehensive mechanics analysis on garage structure, including the main frame structure strength, lift the shaft driving system and the strength of the important parts in the garage, etc. In order to make the garage meets the requirement, according to national mechanical parking equipment standards and general safety requirements, it use some necessary safety technology in the up-down and translation stereo, so that ensures the complete safety of the vehicle and makes the whole garage can be safe and smooth operation.

    Key words: Up-down ; translation stereo; Structure; Transmission form; Mechanical analysis; Safety facilities

    目 录
    摘 要 I
    目 录 1
    第1章 绪论 3
    1.1立体车库发展现状 3
    1.2国内外的研究状况 4
    1.3升降横移式立体车库特点 4
    第2章 总体设计分析 6
    2.1升降横移式立体车库工作原理 6
    2.2主要技术参数 7
    2.3 设备型号表示方法 8
    2.4主要结构组成与特点 8
    2.5升降横移车库的安全装置及安全措施 9
    第3章 结构设计与计算 5
    3.1 立体车库总体设计 5
    3.1.1主框架部分 5
    3.1.2载车板 6
    3.1.3驱动系统(传动机构) 7
    3.1.4存取车涉及的问题 7
    3.2 主钢架结构设计 8
    3.2.1 主钢架结构钢梁的选型及尺寸确定 8
    3.2.2 整体钢架结构的有限元分析 9
    3.3 升降机构设计 16
    3.3.1电机的功率计算及选型 16
    3.3.2链条、链轮的设计计算与选型 17
    3.3.3主传动轴的设计计算 23
    3.3.4轴承的校核计算 28
    3.4 横移机构设计 30
    3.4.1电机功率计算与型号选择 30
    3.4.2链传动设计 31
    3.4.3驱动轴的强度校核 34
    3.4.4轴承的校核 41
    第4章 主要零件有限元分析 44
    4.1安全钩有限元分析 44
    4.1.1导入安全钩模型及设定材料属性 44
    4.1.2分析安全钩安装关系并制定夹具类型 45
    4.1.3安全钩施加载荷与划分网格 46
    4.1.4安全钩分析结果 47
    4.2活接螺栓有限元分析 48
    4.2.1导入活节螺栓模型及设定材料属性 49
    4.2.2设定活节螺栓接触关系并制定夹具 49
    3.2.3活节螺栓施加载荷与划分网格 50
    4.2.4活节螺栓分析结果 51
    第5章《升降横移式立体车库》安全标准 53
    5.1总则 53
    5.2术语和定义 53
    5.3危险一览表 55
    5.4安全要求和措施 55
    5.4.1安全标志 55
    5.4.2金属结构的设计与配置的安全要求 55
    5.4.3主要受力构件(如立柱、横粱、纵梁等)焊接要求 57
    5.4.4车位载车结构的材料和性能 57
    5.4.5基本尺寸要求 58
    5.4.6搬运器 59
    5.4.7起升用链条 59
    第6章 总 结 60
    参考文献 61
    致 谢 62...
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