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  • XJW-120冷喂料挤出机设计摘 要

    关键词: 销钉冷喂料挤出机; 减速机; 螺杆; 机头

    The aetioporphyrin design recommended the air-cooling hello material cotter nail machine the tube to extrude the machine’s universe construction the design. In the extrusion machine design process inter, cardinal recommend the design of the electrical engineering’s select, decelerate mechanism with adjust the design of the riboside, screw such as lengthways diameter ratio, charge zone, extrusion zone of allotment. The decelerate mechanism is which extrude machine the select of the core division, parts of its composition the presentation of the hereunder possession detail.
    The extrusion, product that said extrusion machine be applicable to the air-cooling hello the material can is divided into the completed product sum the semiproduct, glue material in the machine tube inside the staying time is longer, thereupon the requirement have the good cooling apparatus, and reduce the glue material in the extrusion process inter calorific value that produce.
    This design mainly is rightleng Weiliao the extruding machine carries on the design, introduced Leng Weiliao the extruding machine development course, the present situation as well as the future prospect, the extruding machine craft parameter determination, the general arrangement form and the axial force transmission way. Mainly the extruding machine transmission system and the extrusion system carried on to Leng Weiliao introduced emphatically that, to heat up the cooling system, the electricity control system and the nose has given the brief explanation. The transmission system is composed by the electric motor and the reduction gear, mainly to electric motor choice, shaft coupling choice, gear design and examination,axis
    design and examination, bearing design and examination as well as key choice and examination and so on. The extrusion system by feeds the material installment, the screw rod, the cylinder, the bushing is composed. Mainly is to the feed inlet, the screw rod, the cylinder, the bushing as well as cools the canal the design.
    The extruding machine screw rod uses the double headed equal-space not to wait for the deep screw rod, compares with the single end screw rod, can enhance the mixed iron-smelting and the plasticization efficiency, but the equal-space does not wait deeply to be possible to make the sizing material compaction, the manufacture to be easy, does not need the special lathe or the tool. The thrust bearing places two radial bearings left side, installs not directly in the reduction gear box wall place, but installs in the feeding section and between in the reduction gear box wall change-over portion, the axial force does not transmit for the box wall, thus the box wall may attenuate, the gear meshing situation is good. Simultaneously the thrust bearing installs in box in vitro, the lubrication is convenient.
    Keywords: cold feed extruder; screw; ram head; reducer; motor; barr


    前 言 1
    第一章设计方案 2
    1.1 工作原理 2
    1.2 螺杆设计 3
    1.2.1机构设计和主要工艺参数的选择 3
    1.2.2螺杆的消耗功率与电机的确定 3
    1.2.3螺杆的强度校核 4
    第二章 机筒设计 7
    2.1加热冷却通道的校核和设计 7
    2.1.1加料段机筒 7
    2.1.2中间段及挤出段机筒 7
    2.1.3机筒的强度校核 9
    2.2装配应力的计算 10
    2.3合成应力的计算 11
    2.4机筒上销钉的布置 12
    2.5机筒上各处联接螺栓的校核 12
    第三章销钉的设计 14
    3.1销钉的初步设计 14
    3.2销钉具体尺寸的设计 14
    第四章设计齿轮减速器 16
    4.1传动部分的设计参数的选取 16
    4.2齿轮传动计算 18
    4.2.1高速级齿轮传动的校核 18
    4.2.2计算低级传动齿轮 22
    4.3轴和轴承的的计算和校核 27
    4.3.1各轴轴径的初步估算 27
    4.3.2轴的具体结构设计 28
    4.3.3各轴的强度校核 29
    4.4轴承的校核 39
    4.5轴上的平键校核 45
    4.6联轴的选择 46
    第五章螺杆和低速轴连接的部分计算和校核 47
    5.1花键的选择和校核 47
    5.1.1低速轴带花键部分的强度校核 47
    5.1.2推力轴承的选择和校核 48
    总 结 50
    参考文献 51
    致 谢 1

    前 言
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