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  • 外骨骼广泛存在于自然界,许多动物都有不同形式的外骨骼,诸如犰狳的铠甲,穿山甲的鳞片。本质上都是一种可以给他们提供保护的坚硬外部结构,帮助他们抵御天敌,躲避自然灾害。人类从生物学中得到启示,发现外骨骼所具有的巨大潜力,并希望设计一种外骨骼来帮助运动机能受损的人类。因此近些年来许多研究单位和高校都致力于开发能为人体提供支持和保护的外骨骼机器人。作为一种全新领域的机器人,它不仅可以帮助那些肢体受损的残障人士恢复行走,还可以增强人体的负重水平,故可用于交通、建筑、机械、军事、医护等各个领域。


    The exoskeleton is widespread in nature, and many animals have different forms of exoskeletons, such as the armor of a mandarin duck and scales of pangolins. Essentially, it is a hard external structure that can provide them with protection, helping them to resist natural enemies and avoid natural disasters. Humans have been inspired by biology and found that the exoskeleton has great potential, and he hopes to design an exoskeleton to help humans with motor impairment. Therefore, in recent years, many research institutes and universities have devoted themselves to developing exoskeleton robots that can provide support and protection for the human body. As a brand-new robot, it can not only help those physically disabled people with disabilities to resume walking, but also increase the body's weight-bearing capacity. It can be used in various fields such as transportation, construction, machinery, military, and medical care.
    Currently known exoskeleton of the lower extremity is mostly used for fast and accurate motion control. The conventional drive form is adopted. The rigid driver is installed on the position of the active joint, so that the structure is large and complex, and the weight is high and the joint position is not compatible with the human body. High, inconvenient wearable comfort is reduced. In view of the above problems, this paper mainly studies the movement mechanism of the lower limbs of the human body and analyzes the research situation of the latest exoskeleton exoskeletons at home and abroad to form their own independent thinking. Develop a brand new lower limb exoskeleton designed to complete its main structure and configuration. In order to achieve the goal of lightweight and miniaturization, this article innovatively adopts the rope drive method to separate the driver from the exoskeleton body of the lower extremity and install the driver on the back, thereby reducing the burden on the patient. Finally, select the hardware such as master controller, sensors, motors, and drivers, program in the LabVIEW environment, design the control scheme, build a motion control test platform, and finally perform the structure and control scheme for the exoskeleton exoskeleton. verification.

    Key words: Lower limb exoskeleton robot;mechanical design;motion control program
    目 录
    摘 要 i
    目 录 I
    第一章 绪论 1
    1.1 课题来源及研究意义 1
    1.1.1 课题来源 1
    1.1.2 研究意义 1
    1.2 下肢外骨骼研究现状及发展趋势 2
    1.2.1 国内外研究现状 2
    1.2.2 驱动形式 4
    1.3 本文研究内容 5
    第二章 下肢外骨骼总体方案设计 5
    2.1 人体下肢运动规律 5
    2.1.1 人体基本面和基本轴 5
    2.1.2 人体下肢运动机理 6
    2.2 设计原则 7
    2.3 整体方案 7
    2.3.1 整体方案 7
    2.3.2 整体尺寸 8
    2.4 本章小结 9
    第三章 下肢外骨骼结构设计 10
    3.1绳驱动线盘结构设计 10
    3.2 髋关节及膝关节结构设计 11
    3.2.1 髋关节结构 11
    3.2.2 膝关节结构 12
    3.2.3 关键轴 13
    3.3 大腿及小腿结构设计 14
    3.4 踝关节及足部设计 14
    3.5 驱动器设计 15
    3.6 本章小结 15
    第四章 下肢外骨骼运动学分析和零部件校核 17
    4.1 D-H 模型运动学及运动空间分析 17
    4.1.1 D-H 模型模型运动学正解 17
    4.1.3 运动空间分析 20
    4.2 膝部以下人机连接的运动学分析 21
    4.3 关键零件和结构的校核 21
    4.3.1 主要轴的强度和刚度校核 22
    4.3.2 轴承的寿命校核 25
    4.3 本章小结 26
    第五章 变刚度驱动器运动控制实验 27
    5.1 平台硬件选型 27
    5.1.1 控制器的选择。 27
    5.1.2 电机选择 28
    5.1.3 编码器选型 28
    5.1.4 驱动器选型 28
    5.2 程序设计 29
    5.21 Labview开发环境 29
    5.2.2 初始化程序设计 29
    5.2.3 数据采集程序设计 29
    5.4.4 PD控制程序设计 29
    5.3 阶跃响应实验 30
    5.3.1 实验过程 30
    5.3.2 实验结果分析 30
    5.4 本章小结 30
    第六章 总结与展望 30
    6.1 工作总结 30
    6.2 工作展望 31
    参考文献 32
    致谢 35
    附录 36
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