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  • 污泥热解特性探讨摘 要
    关键词:污泥 热解 气相产物

    With the development of economy, the process of industrialization is speeding up, people's living standard is improved, and the output of industrial sludge and sewage sludge is also increasing. Therefore, the problems brought about by the sludge are gradually highlighted. In order to reduce the pollution of sludge to the environment, heat treatment has become the focus of research.
    This article from the scientific and practical point of view, with the sewage sludge as the research object, according to the "harmless, reduction, resource-based" principle, according to the characteristics of sludge, pollution and utilization, the device in the tube furnace, the distribution and composition of thermal sludge with different water content obtained from the main product study on influence of pyrolysis characteristic temperature, and the effect of different proportion of biomass pyrolysis of sludge, and then makes a systematic analysis on the formation and mechanism of pyrolysis products.
    Draw the following results. The effect of pyrolysis temperature on the pyrolysis temperature is beneficial to improve products: gaseous products, especially H2 and CO and other small molecular gas; water content on the influence of products: with the increase of moisture content, gas and liquid product yield has increased correspondingly, and the solid phase product rate were decreased. H2 rise in the production of the gas phase, CO production decline; influence of biomass on product raw material: volatile content is a key factor influencing the distribution of pyrolysis products, with biomass (sawdust) to improve the mixing ratio of the gas and liquid yield gradually increased, the yield of solid products.

    摘 要 I
    第一章绪论 1
    1.1背景与意义 1
    1.2污泥处理方法 2
    1.3.污泥热解的研究现状 4
    1.3.1 国内现状 4
    1.3.2国外现状 5
    1.4本文主要研究内容 6
    第二章实验部分 6
    2.1实验原料 6
    2.2 实验装置及仪器 7
    2.3 实验步骤 9
    2.4 HSC软件模拟 10
    第三章 结果与讨论 10
    3.1实验数据分析 10
    3.1.1温度对热解产物的影响 10
    3.1.2 含水率对热解产物的影响 12
    3.1.3不同比例生物质对热解产物影响 13
    第四章 结论与展望 15
    4.1结论 15
    4.2展望 16
    参考文献 16...
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