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  • 发 布 人刘献龙28
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  •    冷剪机是在冶金工业中经常用来对轧件进行切头去尾或者切定尺的机械设备,作为钢铁厂轧钢车间的重要生产设备,承担着剪切定尺钢材的任务,是整个生产系统中极为重要的一环,结合实际,对冷剪机生产作业损坏的主要原因进行研究,进而做出针对性的技术改造,通过改善剪子的力学状况,大幅减少剪切阻力,不仅能够提高冷剪剪切能力,增加轧钢生产线产能,而且还能节约成本,对于实际生产具有重大意义。
       Cold shearing machine is often used in metallurgical industry of rolled piece cutting head to tail or cut length of mechanical equipment, as the steel plant rolling workshop an important production equipment, assuming the shearing steel task, is the entire production system is extremely important part, combined with the actual production, the cold shearing machine the main causes of damage of homework, and then make the appropriate technological transformation, through the improvement of the mechanical condition of substantially reduced scissors, shear resistance, can not only improve the cold shear capacity of steel rolling production line, increase productivity, but also saves cost, has the great significance for practical production.
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