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  • 手机按键模具设计
  • 手机按键模具设计With the rapid development of China's rapid economic development of China's mold into a new stage, a variety of injection molded plastic products and injection molding of plastic parts in the national development accounted for an irreplaceable role in moldoccupies an extremely important position in the industry, is an important part in the mold.
    Phone as communications equipment life for all to see this article on the mainstream market on the button bar phone button mold design process and the specific method of analysis and specific instructions. First, the plastic parts of the material properties and structural processes were analyzed to determine the size of the phone keys. Secondly, use of the corresponding injection to be checked, and on the injection cavity distribution of pieces of a mold, forming a set of phone keys. In the design process, the design and calculation of various systems such as gating system, launched institutions, mold release, parting surface, gating, shunt, mainstream Road. Finally, drawing instructions to the various parts of the mold, and with the assembly drawing and the various parts of Figure, and to make a summary of the design

    Keywords: mold plastic parts phone keys injection machine

    第一章 绪论……………………………………………………………………….6
    第二章 塑料手机按键结构和工艺分析.................................................................8
    一、塑件的分析 ..............................................................................................8
    三、 结构工艺..................................................................................................9
    (一) 塑件的精度................................................................................10
    (二) 塑件的壁厚................................................................................10
    (三) 塑件的表面光洁度....................................................................10
    (四) 塑件圆角....................................................................................11
    (五) 拔模斜度……………………………………………………….11
    四、 塑件的成型参数………………………..……………………….……..11
    第三章 塑件的设计和注射剂校核…………………………………….…………12
    一、 分型面和型腔的选择和设计………………………………………….12
    (二) 型腔布置…………………………………...………...………..13
    二、 注射机的选择校核……………………………………...……….…….17
    (一) 注射机的选择………………….………………………………17
    (二) 体积的计算……………………………………………………19
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