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  • 自动纸杯成型机设计 在人们追求方便、安全、环保和卫生的现代社会,纸杯正成为现代社会一次性杯子的主流。为满足日益增长的市场需求,纸杯成型机的研究、设计和改进工作也应与时俱进。由于某些原因,没有上传完整的毕业设计(完整的应包括毕业设计说明书、相关图纸CAD/PROE、中英文文献及翻译等),此文档也稍微删除了一部分内容(目录及某些关键内容)如需要的朋友,请联系我的叩扣:二二壹五八玖一壹五一,数万篇现成设计及另有的高端团队绝对可满足您的需要.

       In modern society, people pursuit of convenience, safety, environmental protection and health, so the paper cup is becoming the mainstream of one-off cup. To meet the growing market demand, the research ,design and improve of the paper cup forming machine should also advance with the times.
       The automatic paper cup forming machine through the automatic document feeder, red at the end of sealing, heating, over at the end of Knurling, curling, continuous processes, such as dumping cups of finished paper produced. The main design of the cup design and the transmission part of the overall shape of the cups of some of the major, including heating, rolling and crimping spending, as well as the shape of the cup and disposed of blanking processes Cup. Paper cup forming machine of this part of the action, mainly through a typical linkage, chain transmission, belt transmission, cam mechanisms, intermittent institutions agencies to complete. The design will be followed by paper cup machine for the determination of the overall program, through the production of paper machine process analysis, to select the institutions and the overall layout, and on this basis the overall design, as well as gear design and calculation of transmission components, mainly of the V belt, chain, sprocket, cam, eccentric wheel, spindle, cam Globoidal intermittent indexing agencies to conduct a detailed design calculation. The design principle of the paper cup machine, introduced in more detail and to determine its main parameters and structures.
       The automatic paper cup forming machine have reasonable structure and stable performance, easy to operate, less power and more efficient, can meet current production requirements.
     Keywords: machinery; automatic paper cup forming machine;paper cup

    目 录

    1 绪论 1
      1.1 课题研究的背景 1
      1.2 课题研究的内容 2
      1.3 纸杯及纸杯成型机的发展概况 2
      1.4 课题研究的意义 3
    2 总体方案的确定 6
      2.1 纸杯成型机的功能与应用范围 6
       2.1.1 纸杯成型机的主要工序 6
       2.1.2 纸杯成型机的主要参数 6
       2.1.3 纸杯成型机的主要结构 6
      2.2 工艺分析 7
       2.2.1 确定机器类型 7
       2.2.2 确定成型工序,工艺路线及工位数 8
       2.2.3 执行构件的运动 8
      2.3 机构选型 9
       2.3.1 空间执行机构 9
       2.3.2 纸料供送系统 9
       2.3.3 纸杯整体成型系统 9
       2.3.4 气动机构 9
       2.3.5 卸杯机构 9
       2.3.6 底座机架 10
       2.3.7 传动系统 10
       2.3.8 间歇机构 10
      2.4 总体布局 10
       2.4.1 执行机构的布局 10
       2.4.2 传动系统的布局 11
       2.4.3 选择支承形式和绘制总体布局图 12
      2.5 编制工作循环图 13...
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